

Addison LOVES her binkis!! Tolman never took a binki after 8 months so this is a whole new thing for me. I haven't even begun to think about weening her off the bink, but I'm not predicting it to be an easy task. It doesn't bother Dave nor I that Addi still has a binki- we actually think it's cute. Just as long as it isn't in ALL the time... and it's not. But is 2 binkis at once too much?


J.E. said...

Sooooo funny because Finn is a passifier-holic. He has done this exact same thing. He also is known to have one in his mouth and one in his hand for numerous parts of the day. I think it's cute. Who wants them to grow up anyway? Let's just make sure they don't have them when it's time to go to pre-school (I think that's when its long over pushing the envelope).

J.E. said...

I just noticed my comment above said it was posted at 2:04pm- so strange b/c it's actually 3:04...

the bates motel said...

so cute! and hello a little secret savanna kicked the binky habit at 5mo (now she uses fingers), but carter our almost 3 1/2 yr old yep still has a bink for nap/bed. it's embarrassing i know. one day we'll kick the habit :)! i just don't look forward to the DRAMA!

Trace said...

I don't think it's weird. Summer nurses both sides at the same time. Is that weird? :)

Jen said...

What?? Leesa, your comment is hilarious!!

Isaac loves his binki and just last week we started to leave it in his bed -- he's never happy with me when I have to take it out each morning. I usually listen to the screaming until something else manages to distract him. I think the two-binki method is probably effective, though!

Brandt & Kriste said...

That is so cute. We just kicked the binki thing with Mayci a few weeks ago. Brandt and I were both sad, it was really the last baby trait of hers. She has done well although her naps have started to diminish and she doesn't sleep in as long. So that sucks! Addi is darling!

Pearson Family said...

so owen was 3 when we got rid of the binkies! it was a battle...but selfish reasons for chris and i...we never really pushed it. but he not only had to have one for the mouth...but one for each hand...couldn't leave with out them all.

Craig*Monica said...

Your baby loves her bink, mine won't take one anymore! Is it bad to push the binki on her at a later age? I might consider, since she is a thumb sucker, I would much rather ween from a bink than a thumb! I bet Abbi would suck on both thumbs at night if she could figure out how! Your Addi is way too cute! And I think the bink is cute too!