
GDI Christmas Party

18th Annual.

Kristen was our lovely hostess this year.  She definitely outdid herself.  Look at the beautiful table (below).  I bet you want to know what's wrapped in those festive packages... Mrs. Fields chocolate covered cookie dough!  Seriously?!  The PERFECT "Kristen and Jami treat!"  I don't think there is anyone who loves cookie dough more than the two of us.  
And to think that it all started with the Rocky Mountain Ranger cookies...

I didn't get any pics of the decadent spread, so you'll have to take my word that the food was WONDERFUL, as always!

 Here are some pics of the night.  After dinner, we had a white elephant exchange with some HILARIOUS white elephants.  *why didn't I take more pics?  We're getting pretty funny in our old age.

You've all heard it before so I won't go on and on about how I have one of the BEST group of girl friends EVER.  All I'll say is that it was such a fun night and it was WONDERFUL to see everyone again! 


Rachel Lovato said...

I think it is so awesome that you guys are still so close after so many years. Awww!

Alicia said...

Every single one of you doesn't look a day older than 18.