
First day of preSCHOOL!

I know I've gone through this once before with Tol, but sending my baby off to her first day of preschool was a little rough.  Addison just seems so little and helpless to me, and sending her into the "real world" seemed like a HUGE DEAL.  Have I fulfilled all my motherly responsibilities to prepare her for this?  I felt like I was literally cutting the umbilical cord as she walked into school.  I knew Addi would LOVE school and wouldn't hesitate saying goodbye to me as I left her in the lone and dreary world so that made it bearable- knowing she would love it.  I was right.  She hugged me, waved goodbye with a huge smile on her face and off I went.

Into the BIG, big world, she goes! 
Hanging up her jacket & backpack in her VERY own cubby.  She thinks it's pretty cool that she gets the BELL cubby when her middle name is BELLE.  Pretty cool, Ad!

Felling pretty awesome in her name tag.

First up: PLAYDOUGH!!

Addi might not have been super sad to see me go when I dropped her off, but she sure was happy to see me when I picked her up!  I loved seeing her run to me with a giant smile on her face screaming "MOMMY!!"
And it must have been a HARD, LONG day at preschool.  She was OUT within 5 minutes on the way home.


Kelly E. said...

LOVE HER!! Can you believe how fast they grow up?!

Michelle said...

I can't believe how she has grown up! She is adorable-Tol too. I'm glad to hear you and the fam are doing well in Minnesota!