3 years ago to the day, one of my very most favorite and influential people died. My Grammy Jean was such an amazing person and today I want to honor her with a tribute.
First of all, death is an interesting thing. It is the thing that my Gram feared more than anything. Her mind and soul didn't want to go , but her body did, and her body won. I have always LOVED my Gram and absolutely loved to be around her. My love and appreciation for her has grown so much in the last three years since she's been gone and have since been longing to be around her and attend one of her AMAZING parties, just one more time.
I could write a book about my Gram. She was devoted to EVERY calling she had here on this earth as a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandma, great-grandma, sister, aunt, school teacher, church member, neighbor, traveler, lover of beauty & fashion, party thrower, tradition maker and the list goes on and on.
I have so many great memories with my Gram and the rest of my family. I would say that my Gram found the most joy in having her family all together. She was always finding an excuse for a family party, from festive holiday parties to an "Oprah's Chocolate Cookbook" tasting party. Everything was always perfect and put together so well. The decadent food (she was a FABULOUS cook), the decorations and centerpieces (that she especially ordered for each gathering) to the games and entertainment.
Like I said, I could go on forever and ever. Instead, I'm going to make a list. Some of you might understand, some might not. This is mainly just for me, so I never forget, and for my posterity, so they'll all know what an amazing woman helped pave the way for them.
1. Beach
2. Tuna fish on toast with peas(YUCK!)
3. Midway
4. Cards
5. Nutcracker
6. Pinata
7. 'Court'
8. Lagoon
9. Candy jar
10. Vacuum lines in carpet
11. Movies
12. Books
13. Ice cream
14. Speeding tickets
15. Cascade Springs incident
16. Bright Pink Lipstick (on teeth)
17. HUGE watches
18. Birthday Shopping
19. "What's new?"
20. Easter egg hunt
"Thanks for taking me shopping, Gram./(CRASH) Jennie, pick up the potatoes!/They're not potatoes, they're french fries./Then pick up the french-fried potatoes!"
I love my Grammy Jean so much and miss her more and more everyday. She was truly an inspiration to all who knew her. I am so blessed to have her as my Gram and to have been able to be apart of her exquisite-ness. She made everything so great and so special and because of that I will always be grateful and never forget the legacy she left.
Love you, Gram!