

Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Here are some pics of ours:

My Dad and Curt sang with the Sterling Singers this year. This is me and the kiddos at their performance.

Tol taking Harley for a walk in his new robe on Christmas morning. Harley is Chel's puppy and Tol ADORED him! It was fun having a puppy in the house for a week, huh Dad?

My Dad modeling the gift I gave him. I probably should have ordered them a size smaller;)
We were all dying of laughter. I hadn't laughed that hard in a long time!

Font size...and the gift that did fit.A canvas painting of the sibs for my parents.
*don't you love that Chel's the one in pink?

Christmas Night
BEANIES... by Dad!
Yes, my Dad has taken up knitting. He goes to a class every Monday night (that my Mom and I originally signed up for) and he knit us all these hats! Isn't that the coolest?! Here we are modeling them. He also made Becka (Chel's girlfriend) one, but she flew out on the 23rd so she missed out on the photo.



Foster Mom said...

I laughed out loud at the pic of your dad! You should get that one turned into a canvas panting too! haha

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, your first pics are halarious!!! You should be so proud of your family!!!

Kam Belly Soup said...

your dads gift is the coolest. i love the pic of everyone

Middle Age Moments said...

Awesome is all I can say! OK, maybe I can say something else. Laughed SO hard at your beautiful family photo. Why didn't I get that in a frame? And the pic of dad...now all can say is now everyone can see why I married such a hunk of a man!