
I thought this was too cute not to share...

My parents had a "goodbye dinner" for Chel a week ago Sunday. Lots of Chelsea's friends and family were there to wish her farewell. It was a lot of fun.

Anyway, while we were all there, Tol busted out a piece of tape and taped Chel to her chair and said, "Now you can't go to Washington anymore." If only the tape would have worked...


Amber Burt said...

Kids think of the funniest things to do, and say!
I know you were totally kidding about the ponytail, this year anyways!!! I had forgotten about the V-day comment, but now all of the hurt feelings have come back-ha ha!!!

Kristen said...

That's totally cute! How funny.

J.E. said...

SO cute, maybe Tol will grow up to be like my husband who thinks that he can fix anything with duct tape!

Alicia said...

It's been a while since I've checked your fab blog... looks like you all are doing great. I feel for you on the whole sister moving thing. I'm freakishly close to my family too. Good for her though. Very cool stuff; and Seattle is amazing!